Sod Grass Installation

A sod grass installation in progress in Wakefield, MA:


  1. When I was a kid, my older brother had a Boy Scout Eagle Project he had to do. He decided to build a community park for a mobile home neighborhood by the airport. I recall those summer days so vividly; laying sod and planting grass for the comfort and joy of the local neighborhood. I am still amazed that a fifteen year old kid was able to manage such a huge sod installation job. Kudos brother!


  2. Bryan, I've actually been thinking of doing the same kind of project for my neighborhood. There's a plot of land right next to my house that's been for sale for about five or six years and I think I'll make a small playground out of it. I know quite a few people with the tools and machines needed to install a playground so that will be the easy part. I'll have to find someone to help will installing turf around it. I'd like it to be actual grass as well, because it's a lot softer and feels better, in my opinion.

  3. Hi there! Nice stuff, do keep me posted when you post again something like this!
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