Certified Playground Mulch Installation in Melrose, MA

Melrose, MA - Jeff's Landscape Inc. installing certified playground mulch:


  1. One of my children was playing on the jungle gym at her school years ago, when the unthinkable happened. She was at the very top and lost her balance and fell off. If it hadn't been for the mulch to cushion her fall, it would have been terrible. As it was, she walked away with only a few scrapes and a bruised ego. I will always support the installation of mulch in any children's playground.

    Jane | http://www.mossrock.com.au/softfall-mulch11

  2. I think it's important to get good mulch for playground. Kids are going to be playing in it and messing around in it. You want it to be good, pretty soft, and safe materials. Mulch can be a pretty good cushion if they fall. http://www.mossrock.com.au

  3. Wow this process appears to be easy. I didn't know that you had to be certified to playground mulch. This is very good to know! Thanks for sharing. http://www.mossrock.com.au/softfall-mulch11
